
Improving Islamic Schools:

Attracting and Retaining Qualified Teachers in U.S. Full-Time Islamic Schools Through Analysis of Compensation

This report explores the landscape of teacher compensation, position vacancies, and teacher retention in full-time Islamic schools in the United States. It aims to understand the factors that contribute to attracting and retaining qualified teachers in these schools, which play a crucial role in providing Muslim students with an educational alternative to U.S. public schools. The report also offers recommendations informed by the research to school administrators, teachers, and others working to ensure the success and development of full-time Islamic schools.

Report Partner

This report is co-published by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) and the Islamic Schools League of America (ISLA). ISLA administered the Islamic School Profile Survey, which is part of the ISLA Database Project, aimed at exploring and gaining a deeper understanding of the landscape and trends of full-time Islamic schools in the U.S. The data analysis and report writing was led by ISPU in collaboration with ISLA. This publication was made possible by generous support from the Rostom Fund.

The Islamic Schools League of America works in partnership with educators, organizations, and universities to foster the development, growth, and quality of Islamic education primarily by establishing networks, providing resources, disseminating knowledge, nurturing leadership, and carrying out critical and foundational research on Islamic education and full time schools.

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Improving Islamic Schools: Report Downloads

Full Report

  • This report explores the landscape of teacher compensation, filling position vacancies, and retaining teaching staff in full-time Islamic schools in the United States.

Supplementary Documents


Graphs for Improving Islamic Schools

Click here to download all 22 graphs.




Graphs for Improving Islamic Schools

Click here to download all 22 graphs.

Research Team

Nicole Steward-Streng

Analyst and Report Co-Author 

Dr. Shaza Khan

Report Co-Author and Executive Director

Islamic Schools League of America

Dr. Samar Al-Majaideh

Report Co-Author and Research Project Manager

Islamic Schools League of America

Saher Selod, PhD

Director of Research

Institute for Social Policy and Understanding

Sarah Baker

Research Project Manager, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding

Communications Team

Katherine Coplen

Director of Communications, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding

Rebecka Green

Communications and Creative Media Manager, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding

Tahirah Blanding

Communications Campaigns Specialist, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding


Seema Imam

EdD, Curriculum and Social Inquiry, National Louis University; EdD, Islamic Theology, Graduate Theological Foundation; Professor of Elementary and Middle Level Teacher Education, National Louis University

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